The chances are you’ve written something before – an essay in school, a speech for a wedding, maybe even a brochure or two for your company. It was probably pretty good. People laughed at the right parts, you got a gold star, or your business partner liked it – overall, you are a good writer. So why would you hire someone to do what you can do already? Obviously, I’m biased – but I’ll try and be objective and tell you seven reasons why your business can benefit from hiring a copywriter.
1. You’ll see the difference.
If you go back through my articles you’ll see lots of examples of brilliantly written copy from some of the biggest ad agencies in the UK for clients from Marks & Spencers to Space NK. You can tell when something has been written by a professional writer, and when it hasn’t. Copywriters have been trained to put words together in a way that entices people in to find out more, and turns views into sales.
2. It brings things together.
When companies are writing the content for their new website, they ask the HR person for the ‘About Us’ page, the VP of Sales for the ‘Product’ or ‘Services’ pages, and the receptionist for the ‘Contact’ page content…the result is a mixed up mess of tenses, tones, and intentions. A copywriter can take content from different people and turn it into something that sounds like only one person wrote it. In other words, we can add a cohesive brand voice to your business.
3. It saves you time.
In 1 hour I can research, plan, write, and proof a blog article of up to 700 words…longer if the coffee is strong enough. In an average day, I can write fabulous, original copy for an average length website. Then again, I have been doing this for nearly 20 years. I can guarantee that if you haven’t been living and breathing writing for a couple of decades, you are likely to be slower than that. You are also likely to get frustrated at how much of your regular work time it is eating into. How much is your time worth? A good copywriter probably costs less than that.
4. It means less fewer mistakes.
OK, this one comes with two provisos: one, only the final copy will be mistake-free (because we call in the proofer before we submit it to you!) and two, good grammar is not set in stone, there are opinions…often contentious opinions, on what is correct. However, even a mediocre copywriter will help prevent you from mixing-up affect and effect, or compliment and complement, and ensure that your tenses and voice are correct throughout.
5. Your copy will say what you want it to
A great copywriter can capture what you offer, how you offer it, and how you want it to sound when you talk about it. If you are struggling to get your content to sound the way that it does in your head, ask a professional. It’s what we do.
Copywriters are trained in writing persuasive copy without coming across like a used-car salesperson with a quota to meet. If your current content is a bit salesy, then calling in someone with an eye for detail might be all it takes. They will also be able to avoid getting too technical, or assuming knowledge on behalf of the customer.
6. It will have the right message for the medium.
Different formats need different types of copy. Video script needs to be different to brochure copy, and websites need a different touch than technical support manuals. In order for your copy to have the most impact, it needs to be tailored to the format that it’s being written for.
7. Fresh content without duplication.
Duplicate content is a cardinal sin online, but it can be hard to write new, fresh content regularly without repeating yourself. A copywriter can write original content for your website, on a regular basis, making sure your website ticks all of the boxes for Google without repeating itself.
So that’s my thoughts on the benefits of hiring a copywriter. Reasons to choose me over other copywriters include my dress-sense and that I usually bring biscuits to meetings. For more information on biscuit brands or any of my services, please get in touch.